DVV Media Group GmbH Apps

Eurailpress Kiosk 3.4.1
Eurailpress, in der DVV Media Group, ist derführende deutschsprachige Anbieter von Fachinformationen fürProfessionals im Schienenverkehr und der Bahnindustrie.Im Eurailpress-Kiosk können sie folgende Publikationen alse-Journals lesen:Rail Business , ETR-Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau, EI- DerEisenbahningenieur, Signal+Draht sowie den StellenmarktanzeigerZukunftsbranche-Bahn. Daneben weitere Spezial-Editionen undZusatzinformationen rund um den Bahnmarkt.Eurailpress, in the DVVMedia Group, is the leading German-language publisher ofinformation for professionals in the rail and the railindustry.In Eurailpress kiosk they can read the following publications ase-journals:Rail Business, ETR Railway Technical Review, EI The railwayengineer, signal + wire and the job market indicators sunriseindustry train. In addition, other special editions and additionalinformation about the railway market.
DVZ-Kiosk 4.18.2
All issues of DVZ German newspaper traffic - always and everywhereat hand
Logistics Pilot 3.6.1
LOGISTICS PILOT is a specialist ports andlogistics magazine for the German seaports. It stands for theirnational and international significance for Germany as a productionand export site. In every issue, you will find the latestinformation from the different port sites: a focus topic, a“Logistics Story” focussing on special “commodities”, portraits ofinteresting port customers, interviews with fascinating people, aswell as the topic areas of “security” and “sustainability”. Themagazine LOGISTICS PILOT is released every two months (February,April, June, August, October, December) printed in aGerman-language version and as an online e-paper in German andEnglish.
LOG.Kompass 1.18.9
LOG.Kompass – das Printprodukt aus der WeltderLogistik können Sie auch digital erleben! Angereichertmitmultimedialen Inhalten finden Sie in unserem Kiosk dieaktuelleAusgabe.Zehnmal im Jahr präsentieren wir Ihnen die interessantenFacettender spannendsten Querschnittsfunktion unserer Wirtschaft –derLogistik – in diesem DiGi-Magazin. Die Unternehmen und Menschenausder Logistik sorgen für das Funktionieren derweltweitenLieferketten. Wir stellen den Logistik-Entscheidern dierelevantenKommunikationsplattformen zur Verfügung.LOG.Kompass steht für schnelle und übersichtlicheredaktionelleFormate und klare Orientierung. Hier treffen sichredaktionellerAnspruch und zeitgemäßes Layout.LOG.Kompass - theprintproduct from the world of logistics, you can alsoexperiencedigitally! Enriched with multimedia content can be foundin thelatest edition of our kiosk.Ten times a year we present the interesting facets of themostexciting cross-section of our economy function - logistics -DiGithis magazine. The companies and people take care of thelogisticsfor the functioning of the global supply chains. Weprovide thelogistics decision-makers, the relevantcommunicationplatforms.LOG.Kompass is quick and clear editorial formats andclearguidance. Here, editorial standards and contemporarylayoutmeet.
Alba Fachmedien ÖPNV Kiosk 3.6.0
Mit dem Kiosk erhalten Sie die Möglichkeit,die Informationsdienste "NaNa - Nahverkehrs Nachrichten", "ÖPNVaktuell" sowie "DER NAHVERKEHR" bequem unterwegs als e-Paper zulesen.The kiosk you get theopportunity, the information services "NaNa - transport news","public transport aktuell" and "mass transit" convenient way toread e-Paper.
Ship&Offshore 3.6.0
With the series “Ship&Offshore”, DVV MediaGroup offers in addition to the established brand Schiff&Hafena product family presenting specialist information on marine andoffshore technology for the global maritime market. TheEnglish-language journal “Ship&Offshore” focuses on subjectsranging from shipbuilding and marine equipment industry to offshoretechnology.
Schiff&Hafen 3.4.1
Die maritime deutschsprachige FachzeitschriftSchiff&Hafen bereitet für Sie relevante Themen aus allenBereichen der maritimen Branche kompetent auf. Jeden Monat erhaltenSie detailliert zahlreiche fachspezifische Informationen über diewichtigsten Neuentwicklungen, ausführliche Hintergründe undaktuelle Trends aus den Bereichen Schifffahrt, Schiffbau undOffshore-Technologie.Ihre Vorteile, wenn Sie die Schiff&Hafen App nutzen:- Sie können sich jeder Zeit und überall, auch unterwegs, bequeminformieren und Ihre Fachzeitschrift lesen.- Die integrierte Suchfunktion erleichtert Ihnen das Findengewünschter Inhalte in allen von Ihnen heruntergeladenen digitalenAusgaben der Schiff&Hafen.- Setzen Sie eigene Lesezeichen, die Sie jeder Zeit gezielt zuIhren persönlichen Schwerpunkten führen.- Lesen Sie die digitale Schiff&Hafen, je nach Wunsch, im Hoch-oder im Querformat auf ihrem mobilen Endgerät und nutzen Sie denZweifinger-Zoom zum bequemen Lesen.The maritimeGerman-language journal Schiff & Hafen prepares competent tobring relevant issues from all sectors of the maritime industry.Every month you will receive detailed numerous specializedinformation on the most important new developments, in-depthbackground information and current trends in the fields ofshipping, shipbuilding and offshore technology.Your benefits if you use the Schiff & Hafen app:- You can check anytime and anywhere, even while traveling, informcomfortably and read your journal.- The integrated search function makes it easy to find desiredcontent in all you downloaded digital editions of Schiff &Hafen.- Set your own bookmarks to guide you each time specifically toyour personal priorities.- Read the digital Schiff & Hafen, as desired, in portrait orin landscape mode on their mobile device and use the two fingerzoom for easy reading.
New Ships 3.6.0
"New Ships" is the exclusive, weeklyEnglish-language information service which reports, in briefsummaries, on the most important developments in the worldwideshipbuilding industry.
CIM Kiosk 3.4.1
CIM - Conference & Incentive Management –As a leading European trade journal on meetings, events andincentives CIM addresses decision-makers and planners incorporations, associations and agencies. CIM is a bilingual (Germanand English) publication that comes out six times a year; with aprint run of 20,500 copies.CIM reports regularly for the organizers’ market on relevantsubjects, trends and technologies as well as on destinationsworldwide. For many years its competent and independent journalistshave built a reputation for their critical reflections in industrytopics.The excellent quality of CIM’s journalism makes it an indispensableadvertising medium for all providers in the meeting, incentive andevent business such as tourist boards, convention bureaux, congressand fair centres, hotels, transport providers, agencies, technicalproviders, caterers, et cetera.To support planners in their everyday work the “PPA Profi-PartnerAgentur” is an integral part of CIM. You will find it both in theprint magazine and on the web. www.cimunity.com and the newsletter“CIMnews” provide the latest updates between the print editions.Additionally, the intergerma handbook on hotels and meetingvenues in Germany, Austria and Switzerland - Hotels &Tagungsstätten D-A-CH - is published once a year with a print runof 41,000 copies. The guide lists over 1,000 hotels and conferencevenues and provides meeting organisers with information at aglance. Together with CIM, the manual offers a complete package forplanning and organising meetings and events.
griephan Kiosk 3.6.2
Griephan Briefe bieten wöchentlicheInsiderinformationen zum Geschäftsfeld äußere & innereSicherheit, zum Ausrüstungsbedarf der Bundeswehr, aus denBundestagsausschüssen sowie Analysen der wehrtechnischenIndustrie.Griephan letters offerweekly insider information to external & internal securitydivision, the equipment required by the armed forces, from theparliamentary committees as well as analyzes of the defenseindustry.
Internationales Verkehrswesen 2.0.8
Mit dem Kiosk erhalten Sie die Möglichkeit,dieFachzeitschrift „Internationales Verkehrswesen“ bequemunterwegs alse-Paper zu lesen. Sie müssen sich nur einmalig IhrenZugangfreischalten, um in Zukunft automatisch die aktuelle Ausgabesofortnach Erscheinen zu erhalten.The kiosk offersthepossibility to easily go to read the journal"Internationaltraffic" as e-paper. You have to activate youraccount only once toautomatically receive in the future the currentissue immediatelyafter publication.
CIMAC Congress App Helsinki 5.2.11
This event app provides a full overview ofthe28th CIMAC World Congress, Helsinki June 6-10, 2016, includingallabstracts and poster sessions. Find your way around one of themostimportant international events in the field of large diesel andgasengines.CIMAC is a worldwide non-profit association consisting ofNationalMember Associations and Corporate Members in 26 countriesinAmerica, Asia and Europe. The CIMAC Congress takes placeeverythree years, with changing locations worldwide. The Congress2019will be in Vancouver, Canada.
THB-Kiosk 4.16.2
In THB kiosk you can read the THB Daily Hafenbericht comfortablygo.
BVL Kiosk 4.3.10
In the BVL Kiosk App members of BVL International and othersinterested in supply chain management will find regularpublications such as the BVL magazine, the LOG.Letter or theLOG.Mail for comfortable reading on mobile devices. You will alsohave access to position papers and studies , board reports andexpenditure of the BVL Literature Series . Pre-loaded publicationscan be read offline. Via full-text search you will find relevantarticles and passages. Some documents are public, others are onlyavailable to members of BVL. For the full scope of use of the BVLKiosk, please see the menu at the top right of the item "MemberLogin" and enter in the white field your Member ID. Confirm yourentry with "send". You are not yet BVL member? Underwww.bvl.de/en/member you will find all the information to join theactive network with more than 10,000 decision-makers and logisticsexperts from industry, commerce, service, science and politics.
DVZ Top 100 3.4.1
Die Studien Top 100 in European TransportandLogistics Services und Die Top 100 in der Logistik liefernIhnendie neuesten Kennzahlen, Analysen und Bewertungen zu denBranchenund Teilmärkten sowie den Top-Playern derLogistikwirtschaft - deraktuellste Überblick über den deutschenbzw. den europäischen undglobalen Logistikmarkt.INFO FÜR BUCHKÄUFERKäufer des Buches erhalten einen Freischaltcode per E-Mail, denSieim rechten Menü unter "Freischaltcode" aktivieren können.The studies Top 100inEuropean Transport and Logistics Services and the Top 100 inthelogistics supply you with the latest figures, analysis andreviewsof the sectors and sub-markets as well as the top players ofthelogistics industry - the most recent overview of the German andtheEuropean and global logistics market.INFO FOR BUYERS GUIDEBuyers of the book will receive an unlock code via email, youcanenable the right menu under "Registration Key".
What Cities Want 3.7.6
Im Jahr 2030 werden 60 Prozent aller Menschen in Städten leben.Dasstellt hohe Anforderungen an Planung und Betrieb. Im AuftragevonMAN Truck & Bus und VW Nutzfahrzeuge haben die DVV MediaGroupund Kantar TNS die Studie „What Cities Want – StädtelogistikderZukunft“ erstellt. Im Mittelpunkt der Studie steht Deutschlandmitseinen Städten und Kommunen. In Think-TanksundCo-Creation-Workshops zu denen Experten, Querdenker,NGO´s,Bürgermeister, Logistikdienstleister und Verbrauchereingeladenwurden, sind Szenarien für den urbanen Raum erarbeitetworden. DieErgebnisse der Studie machen deutlich, dass die Logistikdaszentrale Bindeglied in der Transportkette ist. Sie nimmtdieseAufgabe für die Städte von heute und morgen wahr. Das GesichtderLogistikbranche in der Stadt sind allen vorandieKEP-Dienstleister. Städte sind Orte der tausend Möglichkeiten.DieApp What Cities Want 2030 stellt vier Szenarien vor, wiedieStädtelogistik der Zukunft aussehen könnte.
Treibstoff 4.17.2
FUEL is the biannual customer magazine KRAVAG.
Eurailpress Events 2.0.9
Apps for the industry events of Eurailpress with program, speakers,...
CIMAC Congress 2019 Vancouver 2.47.2
The International Council on Combustion Engines – CIMAC –cordiallyinvites the industry to the 29th CIMAC Congress from 10 to14 June2019 in Vancouver, Canada. The 2019 Congress will once againbringtogether leading experts from engine manufacturers, componentandsystem suppliers, rail, marine and power plant operators andusers,technical universities, classification societies, and oilcompaniesaround the globe. The presentations will highlight thelatestdevelopments in products and technologies and the value thattheybring to the customer; they will elaborate on thescientificresearch that creates the foundation for the nextgeneration ofengines and address the needs of the markets to ensureasustainable, environmentally and economically soundfuture.Additionally, the Congress offers a unique opportunity togeneratebusiness and build lasting networks. In panel discussionsandkeynote speeches, we will be challenged to broadenourperspectives. Customer benefits and value will bestronglyemphasized during the Congress. This is clearly anopportunity thatwill help making the right decisions for thefuture.
Maritime Media 4.10.0
Kiosk for e-paper editions "& Boat Harbor" from "Ship&Offshore" and "New Ships"
CIMAC Congress 2023 Busan 2.76.12
Complete programme of the 2023 CIMAC Congress in Busan